On the way home, I thought that it would be a perfect opportunity to switch out the beds whie Gehrig was still at the sitter's house. Brian was in the middle of writing a story, so I started taking the crib apart. Of course, being the weakling that I am, Brian had to come in and help me. All of a sudden, I just started crying uncontrollably. I stated that I didn't want Gehrig to ever leave his crib and grow up. Very similar to my first post on here actually :) After a good 45 minute cry, I was okay. We got the crib apart and the twin bed moved in. When I picked Gehrig up from Ms. Kay-Kay's house, I told him what I'd done. He seemed really excited. Karen asked him who was going to sleep in his baby bed, and he said "Brother". So cute!
We had dinner @ El Charro last night. I had every intention of cooking, but after messing with those beds, plus cleaning out all the clothes that Gehrig couldn't wear anymore and putting them in storage, I was wiped out. My back was so sore. After "Char", we went to Wal-Mart to let Gehrig pick out some new sheets for his bed. We were only getting new sheets, but ended up with the whole deal. I just couldn't pass it up!
We watched Wonder Pets in our bed as usual, then he wanted me to rock him. He was very hesitant to lay down, but once he did at around 9 p.m., I never heard a peep out of him all night long. I was up about four times during the night doing my normal potty breaks. Everytime I checked on him, he was sound asleep cuddled up under his blankets. He finally decided to wake up around 8:20 this morning. And he didn't get out of the bed. He just layed there calling me until I came to get him up. I'm not sure if it'll be this easy tonight, but I wouldn't complain. He's always been great with every transition so far. I'm just so proud of him!
I was afraid to take his picture while he was actually sleeping in his new bed - I didn't want to disturb a good thing. But I did take a pic of his new bedding. Maybe tonight I'll try to get a shot of him snoozing away.
I am so PROUD Of your 'baby' big boy!
I love the bedding! it is SO cute! Glad he slept well for you! That is awesome
He is such a big boy! I love the bedding!!
congrats on moving on up, Gehrig!
That is wonderful! I knew he would be excited. And as far as the emotional breakdown goes....... you have every right to cry. It's hard to watch your babies growing up. It happens way too fast! You are going through a lot of changes at once. I know you'll be fine though! We need to get together before that baby comes and have lunch or dinner or dessert...... i don't know.... just girl time!
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